Adventures in Christian Books Begin Here
Historical fiction, contemporary, science fiction, and devotional. Discover faith adventures for kids... and grown-ups!
Historical fiction, contemporary, science fiction, and devotional. Discover faith adventures for kids... and grown-ups!
"Robert Elmer weaves a compelling story of Danish children during World War II for the children of today." (Young Underground)
"How does a children's writer cross over to adult fiction? Remarkably well, if Mr. Elmer is anything to go by. He now has two fans in our house. " (The Duet)
"I don't think I've ever read another book that folds its fictional characters so well into this dramatic time period." (Life Behind the Wall)
"This book is a wonderful resource to fan the flame of your prayer life. Get it and read it, it’s great stuff." (Piercing Heaven)
"Strong, well-written, Christian based, exciting, full of adventure for kids 8 & up." (Adventures Down Under)
"A gripping, emotional story about characters who seem as real as your next door neighbor. Like Always will grip your heart and never let go."
How can you choose a book that will always encourage you and your family? Since my first historical fiction story came out in 1992, thousands have enjoyed the adventures. I'm honored! They're full of history, action... and biblical faith. And today, a new generation of readers is discovering The Young Underground, Adventures Down Under, Promise of Zion, Life Behind the Wall... and much more!
Whether it's historical fiction, lighthearted action, sci-fi, devotional classics, or even just a good read for Mom and Dad, my goal is that you and your children (or grandchildren) will find hope, excellence, and adventure in these books—even as you're challenged in your faith. As the Word says, "let your mind dwell on these things." (Phil. 4:8) That is my commitment to you. ~Robert Elmer
Most of these books are aimed at middle readers (8- to 12-year-olds). But others are for younger readers, and a few for slightly older. Whether historical fiction or fantasy, each one is full of fun, faith, and adventure. Available in print-on-demand paperback and Kindle e-book formats.